In Pictures – The C.M.S. In Idumuje-Ugboko And The Ibo Hinterlands
In Nigeria, many stout-hearted missionaries of European and African extraction itinerated the length and breadth of the country. In this section, the primary focus will be on Frances Dennis, one of three Dennis siblings who worked tirelessly in the Eastern and the Western parts of Nigeria. The endeavours and travails of this trailblazer will act as our lens into this glorious, evangelical period.
You are invited to explore these never-before-seen pictures of the C.M.S. in Nigeria, particularly in the Ibo hinterland.
The first training Home for Christian Wives
on the Niger, The Chapel, Aniofu - 1906 -
From L-R: Obi Omorhusi, The Queen (Onwughai)
and little Nkeze Nwoko . Idumuje-Ugboko - 1903 -
Obi Omorhusi's younger sister, Memezie
Mary Eze and her children, Margaret
and baby boy. Ani Ofu - 1910 -
Return from early morning bath
with water from spring - Aniofu, 1910 -
Daniel sitting in front of the house
in which Ms Frances Dennis lived
for 3 months, Idumuje-Ugboko - 1904 -
Ms Frances Dennis, Ani Ofu - 1910
Idumuje-Ugboko girls in training - Jan 1906
Thatching the boys' house, Idumuje-Ugboko - 1903
The girls' compound, Idumuje-Ugboko
Cooking for the feast outside the
girls' house, Idumuje-Ugboko - January 1906 -
Ani Ofu, young wives training Home.
Bringing home wood - 1910 -
The first St Mathew's Church, Idumuje-Ugboko.
Officially opened in May 1903 by Bishop Tugwell -
Ani ofu training Home for wives - 1910
Cook, Ani Ofu house compound - 1910
The Ladies House compound showing
position of the girls' houses, Idumuje-Ugboko -
Margaret Eze - 1907
The first occupants of the women's
training Home at Idumuje-Ugboko.
In this picture are: Nwabunnu,Nkechukwu,
Kachukwu, Okwa, Jemayo, Oyibo & Ikunu.
Also in the picture is Peter Ifejioku - 1905 -
First Wives Training Home in
Ani Ofu - 1910 -
Mrs Nellie Dennis and Miss Frances Dennis,
Idumuje-Ugboko - 1906 -
John Nmajuonye (from Obomkpa) - once a
bigoted medicine man,now an Evangelist - 1906 -
First young wives training House, Ani Ofu - 1906
Obi Ofulue of Ubulu-Uku -1927
Ms Frances Dennis and her dog,
Foriti, Ani Ofu - 1910 -
Mrs F. Dennis and Christian group - 1901
Alolo, the first Igbodo convert,
with her daughter and the baby
she saved from dead mother's body
as they were about to bury her - 1904 -
Ms Alolo, Igbodo - 1905 First
Christian convert of Igbodo district -
Miss Martin and rescued babes
at Girls School Onitsha - 1905 -
Margaret Eze, Egbu compound, Owerri - 1906
Daniel (right) and an Evangelist at Egbu, Owerri
David Eze, his wife Mary and their daughter
Margaret. Egbu compound, Owerri- 1906 -
First Bible reading. Teacher, David Eze
at Egbu, Owerri - 1907 -
Mercy, thrown away as a babe into the
bad bush because her top teeth cut first.
Saved by enquirer, adopted by Nellie -1905 -
Interior Chief's house, Akwukwu-Igbo - 1899
King of Onije, 150 miles from Asaba,
with his son Uwagboi (heir to the throne)
, standing on his left - 1906 -
Students at Onitsha Girls' School - c1910
Six of the smaller pupils of the Girls'
boarding school, Onitsha - c1900 -
Onitsha Girls' School - 1911
Girls' School, Onitsha - 1899
Bishop Crowther's compound, Onitsha - 1857
Archdeacon of the Niger, Dandeson Coates
Crowther, Archdeacon Dennis's mother
and his eldest children - 1906 -
Onitsha market. Original site at waterside - 1897
Onitsha Landing Place - 1900
Woman spinning cotton, Asaba - c1900
All Saints Church, Egbu, Owerri - 1907
Evangelists at Egbu, Owerri,
with Ms Frances Dennis - April 1907 -
Rev. G.N. Anyaegbunam, the first
Ibo ordained CMS Minister - c1900 -
The first mission house at Egbu, Owerri, on the
veranda of which all the Ibo translations
were done for the Union Bible, with
Archdeacon in the foreground -
Ibo Bible translators at work,
Egbu,Owerri - 1908 -
Archdeacon Dennis at work
on the Union Ibo scriptures,
Egbu, Owerri - 1908 -
Egbu, Owerri
An Evangelist at Egbu, Owerri - 1907
Bridge over the Nkisi stream, Onitsha - 1900
Fruit and tea market - bargain
Building used for Church school at Egbu.
Erected by the natives - 1907 -
First Church bell, Egbu,
Owerri compound - 1907 -
Ms Frances Dennis and Ms Nellie Dennis,
taken at Iyienu Girls' School -
Pastor and family on the overland journey
from Lagos to the Niger - 1906 -
Ms Frances Dennis and Christian group - 1901
Crossing a bridge in Iboland - 1906
Archdeacon Dennis on overland journey
from Lagos to Onitsha -1906 -
Dressed for dance - 1905
Isaiah Akuniyi on the overground journey
from Lagos to the Niger - 1906 -
Open air meeting. Jubilee of Niger mission - 16 Sept 1907
Missionaries - 1899
Group of natives gazing at a
white woman. Overland journey
from Lagos to the Niger - 1906 -
Group at Asaba Jubilee - 1907
White missionaries:
Back row (L-R): Cecil Brown, Harding Procter and Arch Dennis.
Seated (L-R): Miss F. Dennis, Miss Maxwell, Bishop Tugwell,
Mrs Tugwell, Mrs Procter and Miss Hornby.
Front row (L-R): F.M. Dennis, J.R. Smith and Molly Elms -
Sawyers at work
CMS exhibition, London. West African deputation - 1910
Original old Mission compound Onitsha,
built under Bishop Crowther's supervision - 1897 -
Entrance to Ugbolu town, Asaba district - 1901
Woman grinding corn, Onitsha - 1897
Group of Onitsha Christians - c1901
Dancers from Anam - c1900
Entrance to an Ibo town
Wedding group photo, Onitsha - c1900
John Oghali, one of the first Egbu
young men baptised at Egbu, Owerri. -
Bridge at Enugu between Nibo and Ogbu
Mr Benneth and the boys outside
his house at Obosi - 1899 -
Sacred tree at the entrance into Onitsha town
The first white baby born in Nigeria,
Zaria district - c1903 -
Ms Frances Dennis's hut, Egbu, Owerri - 1908
Interior native church, Akwukwu-Igbo
outpost Asaba hinterland - 1900 -
Running away from the camera on overland
journey from Lagos to Owerri - 1907 -
Egbu Church - 1956
The map of Southern Nigeria - c1902
First christian Church on the Niger,
Onitsha - 1897 -
Foundation staff D.M.G.S - 1925
From L-R: Mr B. Nwosu, Mr M. Anyaegbunem
Rev H. Taylor and Mr S. Achebe -
Mr & Mrs Frances Hensley with David
Anyaegbunem - his father, Rev G.N.
Anyaegbunem, worked with Archid. Thomas
Dennis on the translation of the Union Ibo bible